Totkay: Handy Tips

Stubborn Stains:


To remove oil stains from woolen clothes, apply a little curd over the area and wash it after some time. The stains will vanish.

To remove stains from melamine crockery,  apply a little vinegar on them and all the stains will wash away easily.


Add the juice of one orange to a bowl full of Strawberries for enhanced flavor

Egg Shell Uses:


Put egg shells to good use by powdering them in a mixer. This will clean the mixer blades and you can also use the powder for scrubbing vessels.

Glowing skin free of blackheads & pimples:


Rub the scrapings of bittergourd all over your face and leave  for a few minutes before washing off. Not only will you have glowing skin, but black heads and pimples too will be reduced considerably.

Dried and Chafed skin remedy:


If your skin has dried and developed cracks, apply mustard oil on it every night before going to bed. In no time you will have a baby soft skin.


Peeling Garlic can be made easy by soaking the flakes in water over night

Packing House:


When you plan to stay away from home for a long time, scatter ‘neem’ leaves in all the rooms and cupboards. Your house will not smell of dust. When you return, it will also be free of creepy insects.

Lentil Care:


Apply a little castor oil to ‘daal’ before storing in containers. This will prevent fungal growth and keeps it fresh. However, care should be taken to thoroughly wash the ‘daal’ before use.

Relief from Heat:


For an instant relief, press a little dough, on scalded finger or any other area affected by heat.

By Mehreen Khan

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